Join Premium Membership

Unlock exclusive features and benefits with our Premium Membership!

Step 1

To register for a premium membership, please submit a payment of PKR 15,000 to the following account

Bank Account Details

Bank Name

Soneri Bank Limited

Account Title


Account Number


Branch Code



Civic Centre, Phase 4, Bahria Town, Islamabad



Step 2

Once the payment is successfully made, please fill out the registration form below

Strength: Very Weak

Having trouble?

If you encounter any issues during the signup process, our friendly support team is happy to assist you. Here are a few ways to reach us:

  • Phone:
    • UAN: 03311110591
  • Email:

For Faster Assistance:

  • Uploading a copy of your deposit receipt while filling out the form can expedite the verification process.
  • Send the payment screenshot on WhatsApp 03330810011 to speedy premium account creation

WhatsApp us